Saturday, December 3, 2011

Hello Again...

After a few reminders from my sisters and mom, I am attempting to recommit to my blog.  I have been so busy and I always think I will have time later to do it.  Later is a long time....So I hope you will forgive me and I will try to do better.  I just wanted to take a minute to say how much I love reading all of my wonderful sisters' blogs.  (of course, Stacy and Abby are included in my sisters)  You amaze me with your creativity, your kindness, your grace, and your commitment to your families.  You make me proud to be part of our family.  Now that I have a smart phone, no one is safe from being forced to look at your kids, your crafts or your vacation pictures!  My employees smile and nod approvingly (because they have to) and my friends are all very impresed with the cuteness of your kids and the quality of your artistic endevors. :) In short, I miss you all and I wish I could be with you for Christmas.  I love you and wish you the most wonderful things life has to offer.  I am going to try to get some pictures downloaded off my phone so I can add some to my next post.  See you all my blog, I mean :)