Friday, January 27, 2012


For those who don't know, Trevor and Gavin got a Rosehair tarantula last spring.   Trevor named her Rosalynn.  We have been waiting for her to molt for a very long time, since they molt an average of 3-4 times a year.  Yesterday, we came home to discover she had finally started the process!  Spiders have to shed their skin just like a snake or an insect to grow.  It is a very dangerous thing for them to endure because they become extremely vulnerable-as you can see in the upper picture.The carapace splits open and they have to wriggle out the hole.  It takes a while and when they emerge, the new shell has to harden before it is safe for them to venture out. 
The old skin looks just like another spider was deflated.  We plan to examine her molt to determine if she is in fact a female.  We believe she is-because that is all the supplier is supposed to send-but we want to be sure.  It is amazing to see how much larger she has grown in just one molt!  Her colors are so much more vibrant and her hair is nearly metallic it is so shiny! We love her and I thought it would be neat for you all to see this.  It isn't often you get to witness something so unusual!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Gavin's gift...

I am posting about something that happened back in December because I really want to remember it forever.  You know how every school year schools think of new and different ways to separate us from our money?  I have long hated and refused to participate in "fund raisers" that require my children to hawk severely overpriced chintzy junk to friends and relatives.  This year, my kid's school thought of a better way to raise money.  "Lets build a gift shop in the library that all the kids walk through and around every day!  They will be helpless to resist it's allure!"  They were right!  Even before the gift shop opened they were hyping it and my kids were begging to lug bags of coins to school to purchase special items sold nowhere else!  I turned them down flat.  There was no way that I was going to allow my kids to waste their money...  It took the mother of one of Gavin's friends to teach my how wrong I was.  Brice has been friends with Gavin for a couple of years and his mom and I know each other from school functions.  One day Gavin and Brice were in the "gift shop" and Gavin mentioned how I wouldn't allow him to bring his money.  Well, Brice's mom happened to volunteering that day and overheard what Gavin said.  She pulled him aside and told him to pick out whatever he wanted and she would buy it for him.  Armed with an unlimited amount, do you know what my son did?  He proceeded to carefully select a gift for Trevor, one for me and one for his dad.  He chose nothing for himself.  He was so excited to give us our treasures.  I immediately placed mine on our Christmas tree and scolded myself for not being the one to share that experience with him.  Upon hearing of the way he selflessly chose things for others  when he was offered anything he wanted, Joey gave Gavin $5 to spend on himself the following day.  Do you know what he did?  He bought a gift for his Grandma and Grandpa and a small figurine for himself.  I never want to forget his simple kindness and caring for others.  He was an example to me.  Just thought you all might like to know- he is one special kid.

Alright Carrie, I Heard You...

I am happy to report that I am taking Carrie's challenge/resolution to post at least once a month.  It shouldn't be difficult because there is always something going on I can blog about.  I just need to set a goal.  And here is my big sis taking care of that for me!  Thanks Carrie- I will do it!