Tuesday, March 4, 2014

A new beginning...

For the first time since 1998, I was able to celebrate Caleb's birthday without wondering where he was and if he ever thought of me.  I feel immensely blessed that Sarah reached out to me earlier this year and invited me into their lives.  She trusted me enough to let me have their home address so I could send him a birthday gift.  It may have seemed like a small thing to her.  But let me assure you, it was huge!  Not only did I get to send him a gift, but that day we spoke for the first time on the phone.  I think he may have been a bit overwhelmed at my ability to talk!  I was just so nervous to hear his voice, I think I sort of compensated by chattering his ear off!  He was so grown up.  I loved hearing how he was so excited about the books we sent him.  He was already halfway through the book my mom sent, Ender's Game.  Upon hearing that, his mom exclaimed, " Did you go to school today?!"  It was pretty funny:)  He told me about their pet rabbit.  (We were able to figure out it was a mini rex.) We talked about his siblings, too.  He has a special love for his youngest sister, just like Trevor and Ruby.  
One of the most exciting things we talked about that day is the time when his family will come to visit us!  They will be coming to Utah the end of March!!  My whole family is greatly anticipating their visit:)  We are so thrilled to start on this new path of being one big family.  Thank you, Sarah, for making this all possible:)  We look forward to seeing you all soon!  
Of course, we'll take lots of pictures so I can write a post about that!