Thursday, June 17, 2010

Here we are

Well I couldn't let you guys have all the fun. I read all your postings last night and figured it was time to get involved. Plus, this will give the boys a place to post their pictures and videos. They got a camcorder from Joey for Valentine's day and they are constantly asking to post stuff on youtube. We haven't felt quite sure about that. This is a much better solution. So here I am on my day off hoping I am doing this right. I will have to wait for Joey to be able to add pics. I am not really computer savvy. Still, this is a start!


  1. Welcome to blogging! I'm so excited to read/see what you and your boys are up to. :) I love you!

  2. Yay! I'm looking forward to keeping up with you and your family. We miss you!
