It has been a while since I've updated and now seemed like a great time to get back into it. I have neglected to mention so many important events! School started again. The boys got great teachers who look oddly alike. It is hard for me to tell them apart at a distance. Gavin started guitar lessons. Joey coached another season of Trevor's soccer team. I finally made the effort to get the boys enrolled in scouts here. We are attending every week and loving it. The boys made toolboxes last week with real power tools and everything! Everyone is doing great:) Work is still keeping me pretty busy. We went through a rough patch where we lost several of our well-trained employees to school and other endeavors. It has been difficult to find replacements and I am learning a lot about unspoken communication in interviews. I hope I am getting better about weeding out the losers! I just hired 4 people, so I guess I'll know soon;)
I would be remiss if I didn't mention how blessed our extended family has been lately. I am so excited for this summer when our sweet new additions will arrive! I am so happy for my beautiful sisters who will become new mothers. Yes, Carrie, I realize you have a child. But I think a 16 year gap also qualifies you as a new mom(again)! Thank you, both, for growing our family while the rest of us take a break!
Well, gotta go for now. Take care everyone:)
I have been wondering when you would post again. I'm keeping my eye on you. Love you Bekkie.