Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Roxy... notice the kids in the pics, Mom!

 So, we have pretty much been bitten by the spider-bug.  We love our tarantulas!  They are fascinating and so unique:)  Also, you will never find a more quiet or less stinky pet!  They never have accidents on the floor and never scream over the TV while the characters are talking quietly!  They only have to be fed every few days and their food is super cheap.  What pet could be better?! 
 So here is our latest acquisition, Roxy! She is a pink toe tarantula.  They are arboreal, which means she is a very good jumper.  She is a real acrobat:)  As you can see, she is just a spiderling.  We don't actually know if she is a girl, we are just hoping.  We will not know until she molts.  Another reason we are looking forward to her molt, is that she is missing a leg.  It will grow back bit by bit over the next 3-4 molts.  Then she will have a normally functioning leg where now she has nothing.  Pretty cool, huh?
She is so itty bitty!  She makes Goldilocks look like Godzilla!  The boys like that she is small, they are less intimidated.  I don't let them hold Goldilocks very often because she is so huge. 

In the picture above, you can just barely tell how they got the name pink toe.  She is a deep black all over- so black, she is nearly blue- with little pinkish/orange tips on each leg.  This picture also makes it easy to count her legs.  Not including her pedipalps up front, that she uses to eat- you can see just 7 legs.  She is just so adorable:)


  1. Now you are traveling with 4 dogs and 3 tarantulas?! Joey must really love you all.

  2. You are SO COOL! I just get more and more impressed with my family. Reading your posts is a little like watching animal planet mixed with family time. What could be better? I can't wait to see you guys.
