Thursday, January 30, 2014

Ruby makes her grand entrance....

Ruby is all bundled up ready for the ride home!
So, this was an amazing story that I should have taken the time to share when it happened.  Better late than never:)  I have a hard time knowing how far back to begin.  I will simply begin at the beginning, I suppose.  Joey, years ago, had a dream that we would have a beautiful girl with brown hair and eyes.  But, as time went on, we never got pregnant and I had all but given up.  Gavin was 9 years old when Joey told me he thought we should give it another shot.  I was dumbfounded but, of course said, "YES!"  I went to the doctor and sought help.  He put me on hormones and monitored egg production, but to no avail.  Eight months passed and we decided we'd better put that on hold because we were moving back to Utah.  4 months after we arrived in Utah I received the shock of my life.  Without any help at all, we were pregnant again!  

It was a difficult start.  I had never been sick with a pregnancy, but Ruby wasn't going to make it that easy.  I was sick and exhausted until about 20 weeks.  I lost weight up to that point and didn't actually start gaining anything back until about 30 weeks.  It was still a very slow gain and it wasn't until I was 40 weeks that I reached my pre-pregnancy weight. 

 In the beginning, I had decided to go natural and use a midwife.  I had given birth naturally 3 out of the 4 times already and I knew I could do it.  No need for bossy hospitals poking you and telling you not to push yet!  The only thing I was sure I did need was my doula, Jan.  She had been at my side every time and I wanted to be sure she would get me through this one.  She was amazing and promised right away to come out from Oklahoma near my due date.  Because I was waiting for her arrival, it was easy to not be anxious for the baby to come early.  In fact, I really felt so good toward the end,  I wasn't anxious at all! 

Jan had family responsibilities that kept her in Oklahoma until 3 days before Ruby was due to arrive.  I started to get a little worried she wouldn't make it in time when I fell down the stairs a week before my due date.  I spent the afternoon in the ER being monitored, but everything was fine.  Once Jan arrived, we spent every day together walking and hoping for labor to start.

On my way into the birthing center.  Man I was big!
On April 25th (my birthday), one day before I was due, we went to my checkup with the midwife.  She said I was still only dilated to 1 cm.  She gave me some herbs to drink and told me to call her if we experienced any changes.  About a half an hour later, I felt the first twinges of possible labor.  We had plans to see a movie with my sister-in-law, Stacy, and I really wanted to go.  So, off we went to the theater to meet Stacy.  Thankfully, Jan had the foresight to recommend I put on a pad before the movie.  As we sat through the movie, what had begun as random pains, began to organize into fairly steady labor.  About 30-45 min before the movie ended (Stacy had seen it before) my water broke.  I texted my midwife and my husband who both told me to leave immediately and head for the birthing center.  Being the cooperative person that I am, I didn't.  We stayed to finish the movie.  By the time it was over, I had to stop every time a contraction hit as we made our way back to the car.  Of course, by this time, my midwife and Joey were both frantic about where I was.  I went home to change into non-soaked clothes and headed for the birthing center.  Enough details, I am sure... One hour and eighteen minutes after we arrived at the birthing center, Ruby was born.  It was the most amazing and precious experience.  I wish all my kids had been born that way!  It was truly the best birthday I have ever had!  I spent the day with my dear friend and my sisters.  Then I got to have a quick birth centered on everything I wanted.  
Just born
Ruby weighed in at 8 pounds 4 ounces.  A fact that Joey disputes to this day.  He swears she was smaller, but we have video proof of what the scale said!  She was 20 and 3/4 inches and perfect from head to toe:)  She had tons of dark hair and cheeks that went on for days!  We spent the evening at the birthing center ooohing and aaahing at her.  Most of my family got to come see and hold her that night.  Then, at 10:30pm, we took her home.  We could have spent the night at the birthing center, but I just really wanted to go home.   It was so nice have Ruby on the outside!  She was such a sweet baby from the first moment.  

I will never forget what an awesome and unusual experience the whole pregnancy and birth were.  If I could go back, I wouldn't change a thing.
Jan, my doula and hero!

1 comment:

  1. I was there and it was the most awesome! Ruby is a gem and we love her so much.
